(505) 345-2694

Employment Application

The following employment application and related information is very important for the consideration of your qualifications for employment. All information requested is to be accurately completed in detail. Sundance Mechanical & Utility, Corp. reserves the right to cease consideration of any application for which there are questions regarding accuracy and/or lack of complete detail. If any individual is hired before any falsification or omission is discovered, he/she is subject to termination.

This application will be considered to fill available positions for which you are qualified for a period of 30 days after we first receive it. If you choose to be considered for employment opportunities with Sundance beyond that time, a new application for consideration will be required.

We hire applicants solely based upon merit. We do not discriminate on the basis of union affiliation, race, religion, sex, gender, color,  age, national origin, disability, or any other protected status.

We base our hiring decisions on a variety of factors, including skills and ability to perform the job, prior employment with us, employment references as to character and willingness to work, willingness to accept the offered pay and personal interviews.

Full time employees are expected to work only for us and acceptance of a full time position serves as an unconditional statement that they will not be employed by any other employer while they work for us.